Saturday, December 24, 2005

baguskah rambut agnes?

Beberapa teman dengan gigih menyuruh saya manjangin rambut, usul yang sempat saya tolak mentah-mentah, tapi lalu saya pertimbangkan lagi. Tapi saya suka rambut jabrik. Jadi... kenapa tidak digabungkan saja?

Terdengar seperti usul yang lumayan, sampe saya lihat ini.

Tidaaakk!! Argh!! T... terlalu mengerikan..! Siapa yang ingin jadi wanita berkepala kemoceng seperti Agnes Monica?

Anyway, gambar ini saya dapet dari cici saya, yang dia dapet dari
, sebuah website yang pantas ditelusuri kalau kalian merasa ingin mengata-ngatai selebritis Indo. It's in English! :)

Rambut pendek lebih baik.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

study room experience

It's difficult to imagine that I've conquered the abominable monster called the A levels!! Yay! Finally 4 months of endless painstaking mugging have come to an end. But I kinda miss a biiit of something. Not the mugging..!

The study room experience was kinda unique, you see. Maybe it's just me, Vidi, Cindy, and Meli stuck together with a whole band of pereks (you know who they are) inside the room. However it's the behaviour of some brand new scholars that really have startled us. You know what we're like, after the A levels had been going on for some time, (especially during the S papers period) we're awfully sick of mugging and started to slack too much for our own good.

There were these 3 girls, who, after coming back from school, never bathed or changed clothes first, still in their school uniform, eagerly and highspriritedly marched into the study room clutching their heavy schoolbags... Stomp, stomp, stomp, then plonked themselves onto the chairs and studied English feverishly. Wow. What a spirit! We were dumbstruck, feeling a mixture of awe, pity, and fright for them and for ourselves. We're the seniors, we're the ones having the big 'A's, and yet the way they mug is enough to put us in shame. For goodness sake, they just stepped onto the Singapore land for like... a month? Someone should cry out to them in tears, "For goodness sake, stop studying! Go out play in the sun while you can!!"

Since it's nearing end of year, when there are a lot of people leaving and keeping their
stuff in boxes, the study room doubles as a store room too. Apparently there's this stupid alarm clock kept in one of the boxes, set to ring every single day, and yes, with batteries too; because at 10am, every single day without fail, we have to bear listening to Mozart's Turkish March being recited in high pitch, thank you very much.

One of the 3 girls mentioned above shushed us repeatedly. So irritating. Although it's kinda our fault being noisy, heheheh... Another girl farted continuously. Or burped. Urgh. And another girl kept leaving her handphone in the study room, and the phone always received some sms, and furthermore the phone is the irritating stubborn kind which will never stop ringing (and it's only an sms) unless someone does something to it.

And finally there's a girl who looks so much like a boy. Yes, boy haircut, flat chest,
boyish sporty attire, and rather gentlemanly behaviour. It's scary. First time I saw hi..
um, her, I almost jumped out of my skin, I was like, what the hell is this guy doing at
night in the girls' block? Until she spoke to her friend and thank goodness, it's still a
girl's voice. At least she hasn't meddled with her voicebox. Everytime one catches sight of her one couldn't help but to scrutinise, trying to find any other girlish traits on her,and unfortunately, we couldn't find one. And she hanged around study room a lot, serving as further distraction for us.

That added on excitement to the otherwise boring study room experience. Yeeks. But I'm still thankful being out of the study room. It's quite a great feeling, packing all my stuff out of study room at the end of my hard labour on the day before my last S paper, grinning uncontrollably, knowing that I won't be back for pathetic mugging anymore. Muah! Hah hah hah hah!!